Makeup, Skin Care

4 Makeup Mistakes That Can Age You



I am sure you have seen people with makeup that does not compliment – but the reverse – it ages.  So as we age, it is important to take a regular look at our techniques to see if we are keeping up with the play.    As we age, it is also worth remembering, to lighten your hair, not stick to the color you were when you were younger, as we age our skin lightens, as do our eyes, so it is important to lighten your hair as well.  It will be much more flattering – so time to asses your techniques  – so check out these 4 great tips which will definitely help.

The 4 Makeup Mistakes That Age You

Makeup can be your best friend or your worst friend, depending on how you use it. If applied incorrectly, it can actually make you look older than you are. We consulted with celebrity makeup artist Matthew VanLeeuwen to find out four common makeup mistakes, and more importantly, how to fix them.

Heavy Foundation
VanLeeuwen says that in today’s day and age, it’s important to wear foundation that enhances the look of your skin while letting its natural texture shine through. “Gone are the days when women would ‘erase’ their faces with pore-clogging, full-coverage foundation and then paint new ones on top. This look is very aging and dated-looking,” he adds. “Today’s foundation formulas can hide imperfections and truly make your complexion look younger and fresher without looking heavy at all. The result is youthful, vibrant-looking skin.”

Please visit source for the next 3 most important tips


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